Salam and hi,
i used to start writing in my diary long ago with 'Dear Diary,...' for this blog i think i'll start with salam and hi..takdak kena mengena langsung dengan tajuk...haha
actually i have soo many things in my mind that i wanted to blog about but it seems too many sampai bila klik new post dah tak tau nak type apa. anyway, today is the eleventh day of 2010..semo orang pon dah share their resolutions for this year..for me, we do have our target for this year..'we' okey, because me and hubby share everyhtings together..i mean 'everythings'..sampai ke berus gigi pon nak share..i know it sounds so unhygienic but that is why i need to put more than 2 toothbrushes dalam toilet so that he wont use mine..ceh..apa hal plak cerita pasal berus gigi...ok enough said. full stop.
for 2010 we have a big project, because we already decided to think about where to settle down, which is definitely not in Kuala Lipis, in order for that, i've decided to quit my job by next year...insyaAllah...harap Allah permudahkan urusan this year is a tough year for me to save as much as i can because i'll be short of money once i quit..takpe this one i will write a special entry once we make a progress..
2009, bid us goodbye with lots of unexpected things..with our come back to P**jom Gold Mine and all...i guess its all had been planned and Allah knows the most...
the year 2008, we were working with a small company where we started from scratch..from the renovation of the lab+office, the lab equipment, office furniture, man power, sampai la the company if i am commencing my own company...what an experience..that year i was giving birth to two babies, Eryna and of course the company...lucky for me, i have my hubby as a business and life partner la kan...hehe..but, langit tak selalu cerah and business is not so good..sampai kena potong gaji kitorg but that was in 2008...
in 2009, we start the year with moving back to Kuala Lipis...inilah yang dikatakan rezeki datang bergolek..when GerC*i is in the midst of huge problem, my ex-Boss in P**jom called. offering me and hubby a job..rezeki Eryna agaknya..eheh..we were so grateful and accepted the last year was spent adjusting our life back to Lipis..agaknya if my Boss knows about my plan for 2010 sure dia dah serik amik i kerja..hehe
anyway, i hope there's more good news to come in this year...shall we start with adik for Eryna?? hehe...*grin*
JDT Squad Number History
6 years ago
hhihihi...gohed gostan ehh hihi
anyway, sure..Allah knows best...
projek mega apakah?? smpi kene benti keje hihi
adek for eryna izz's start next year haha
have a blast 2010.... whatever plan u guys might have...enjoy life to the fullest...
life is short..make it sweet
salam yantie, nk tinggal jejak jugak :)
selamat berkenalan :)
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