nih first time mommy nak buat tag...mommy telah di tag oleh mama here goes..
1) First time jumpa your hubby bila dan kat mana?
kat mana: kat kampus BTN Balik Pulau, my friend had a crushed on him then, so kitorg mmg looking forward cari pasal with him
bila: masa orientation week...sbb kampus still under construction, kitorg semua di pos untuk kursus BTN for a week..
2) Love at first sight?
naah...this doesnt applied to both of us
3) Who is he when the first time you met him?
freshie in uni
4) How long it takes for him to ask you out for a date? i ask him out instead...haha...
5) First place dating?
breakfast @ kedai mamak nasser
6) How he proposed?
he told me he wants to send rombongan meminang when he accompanied me back to balik kampung but i never thought he was serious...if u knows him, u'll know he never serious about anything...he then told my parents about his intention and last thing i know we are husband & wife...=)...owh, kitorg tak bertunang pon..his family came over for lunch dgn cincin sebentuk & sebakul buah pastuh terus arrange tarikh nikah & kenduri
7) Special date with your hubby?
8) Changes that he asked you to do?
errr...he asked me to pakai i realised why he did that
9) What is about him that you love so much?
i just love everythings about him especially when he wakes up every night to bancuh susu Eryna..haha..
10) What is about him that you wish he would change?
his addiction in games...but to think of it, bagi chance la...
11) You will lose your mind and crack your head when he..
found a new game, it doesnt matter PC game or PS and he will spent the rest of the night playing games...but i guess that is the price u have to pay if u are married to an avid gamer
12) You will smile through your eyes for the whole day when he..
said: sayang, jom tido...haha *grin*
13) Complete below sentences, "My love towards my hubby is as big as..
...his loves towards mama eiz kata 'what u gv is what u get bebeh'...hehe..
so i pon nk tag org lain jugak, all the soksekians jawab ek jgn tak jawab....
1. mama amirul
2. ibu nazhan
3. mommy to aqil & asif
4. amie
5. mommy ayra
JDT Squad Number History
6 years ago
ohh.. rumah baru hihi.. nice
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