Hey ya...foooh..foohh...(habuk tiup pun tak terbang..hehe)
Been silent for quite some time already so its time to rock back the blogging world..hehe..a lot of things had happened; new baby, eryna's new haircut, my new haircut, new house...yeah, this is the seventh time we moved since we've been married. Cerita pindah-pindah in next entry la ye.
My friend Bayz ask me to put on comments button for the entry, memang ada tapi macam confuse sikit sebab button nye bulat sahaja, so kalo orang tak perasan memang ingat takdak button komen. Nak tukar template macam sayang because i do really loves this template. Nak add banner ke apa tuh memang tak mampu lagi at the moment, me still learning, maklumlah mommy nih bukannya programmer...haha..C++ pon belajar masa matrix dulu ja.
Entry bergambar is definitely more interesting, right...so layanzz...
Gambar Fatiha je mommy letak dulu, tu pon gambar baru lahir...hihi..geram sangat tengok anak mommy yang sorang nih sebab she is soo tembamlicious compared to her big sis. Memang rasa nak gigit-gigit those chubby arms and cheeks..haisy...tapi Fatiha takdak la pulak.
So far Fatiha's progressing well. Pagi tadi dah golek-golek meniarap, sampai kaklong dah "mommy...mommy...adik jatuh..." ..huhu...kaklong is very protective.
Fatiha likes to bable too...sampai tersembur-sembur air liur. Paling suka mandi, tapi mesti air suam-suam ye..too cold or too hot she'll cry like nobody business. Dah la dianugerahkan suara yang selang 3 buah rumah pon still boleh dengar...so memang air mandi kena prepare sedap-sedap jela. There's one day I nak mandikan dia around 2pm. Ingat dah tengahari boleh la mandi air sejuk sket...mak aih..tak boleh ye, meraung tak hengat.
Fatiha is turning 4 months old in 10 days, mommy doakan Fatiha akan jadi anak yang menyejukkan hati mommy and daddy...tkmo naughty-naughty ye, nanti kena duduk naughty corner...hehe
kenapa rasa macam karangan tergantung?? *confused* =P
JDT Squad Number History
6 years ago
alo... bestnya dah update blog... kerap2 la update ekk.... sure aku baca nyer tiap2 ari.,..
ha ah..sila hapdet selalu..
letak la gambaq latest nye...
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