Eryna say hi to CikNgah,
Cikngah requested for more picture of Eryna but since mommy don't have a camera setakat 3 gambaq nih je la from mommy's phone untuk cikngah ye...tunggu mommy beli slr le...hihi...btw, mommy nak belikan daddy slr for his birthday, any suggestion from you guys out there?? thanks in advance...
JDT Squad Number History
6 years ago
oh oh comeynya eryna! cepat2 la beli dslr tu!! nak amek clas fotography la huhu
tunggu fotozoom buat sale hihi really worth it...
1. sile riki2 thru forums...
2. pi kedai tgk slr & tny2 kt SA...tny segale2nye
3. blk umah pk2 dulu
4. pi kedai blk...jgn tunjuk nk beli hihi tp just tny la dpt free gift ape kalo beli..beg,tripod,memory card,kalo nk add flash bp kene top up....
5. sile lah beli setlh mbuat keputusan...
canon & nikon +- ... selainnye maybe ade slr yg kecik & ringan & kiut mcm olympus,sony...
hope repekanku ini mbantu memeningkan lg hihi
I have been a nikon fan since forever. My initial was plan to buy D40 but it is no longer in prod. Lepas tu kena racun dgn salesgurl, terrbeli Canon 1000D.
Since u plan to buy one, i would suggest Nikon D3000 as this is D40/40x/60 replacement. :)
cool!!! nak shopping dslr!
first things first- you gotta do your homework-google for cameras and forums for 'entry level-novice/amateur level cameras' or like your friend said, pergi bbrp kedai, soh dia recommend the bestsellers and try out one by one (this takes time ya, maybe one whole day or a few days, unless you already know what you want)- find out what you guys like - there's MANY cameras out there, and the selection process would be much, much, MUCH, easier when you know what you want.
...if i had the money like you, id just go to camera shops and just ask to try out Nikon p90, Olympus SP-590uz and Canon SX10 or SX20 coz aku nih gila zoom and those are digital (compact) cameras, not dslr- i can still get pictures like from dslr cameras, easy to use-point and shoot- takyah pecah otak like dslrs and best of all- they're half the cost of dslrs. but thats just me....=)
anyhow, good luck yantie and hope hg dpt cari the camera you guys like! =)
owh..thanks all for the recommendations..
i am buying this for my hubby not me, so mmg jgn harapla aku nk p google segala..aku nih dahla buta camera..honestly, aku lagi suka compact camera sbb kecik n senang nk sbb en hubby dah request dslr since Fuji F200 dia dah rosak..mak just nak make his wish come true je..=)
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