dah almost a month mommy tk mencoret2 dalam blog nih...ekceli mommy dok muhasabah diri...cewahh..hehe..i was thinking on the purpose of having this blog...dulu memang my intention to write is to keep our memorable moments. Tapi when I start bercerita, I will put in the details sampai bila baca balik rasa boringnya entry nih, tak pon macam syok sendiri ja….haha..so in the end it will terperam or masuk dalam rubbish bin.
Frankly, I memang jeles dengan orang2 yang boleh update hari2 and used a different kind of cara penulisan to attract the readers…ada yang catchy, sarcastic, funny and very informative…otai2 blogger nih kata just be yourself in your writing…hmmm…cana tuh ek..I think I know what is my problem…I don’t really know how to express myself in writing or in real life pon susah…..hahaha..that’s my problem..yeah, it’s just hard for me to tell people how I feel, especially orang yang baru I kenal…dulu2 takdak pulak problem camnih..but now I think I always watch what’s coming out from my mouth…berhati2 bila bercakap orang kata…hahaha…adakah sebab dah berumur sikit?? (I am in my late 20-s) atau adakah I am losing my communication skill sebab asyik tengok batu ja 10 jam sehari??....
and here come the hardest part…how to solve the problem??? I have no idea…what about write more so that I’ll be better in expressing myself…hahahha…ok tak idea tuh?? I think just have to commit myself to write la…boleh ke Yantie?? All the best!! =)
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6 years ago